Young People Share Their Skills ……

Young People Share Their Skills ……

Young people from the Princes Trust programme have spent a morning with our client group in Fermangh in an “inter-generational” session introducing them to the wonders of Nintendo Wii ! The

Fintona Golf Club supports Mental Health

Members of  Fintona Golf Club generously supported  a recent fundraising event arranged by the Club Captain, Eugene Fee. The funds raised were presented to two local mental health charities, with

Newry Welcomes Danny Kennedy MLA

Local MLA, Danny Kennedy, Minister for Regional Development, was the special guest at the Annual Certificate Presentation in AMH New Horizons.  This was the first time the ceremony was held in

Launch of Lough Erne New Horizons Project

Following a successful application to the Arts Council of NI, small grants National Lottery programme, clients in Fermanagh have embarked on an exciting new arts initiative.  Working alongside professional artists

Day of Celebration for our Fermanagh Team

Paul Cavanagh, Local Commissioning Group lead, joined clients in AMH New Horizons Fermanagh for their annual certificate presentation ceremony. Paul presented certificates acknowledging 286 accredited training achievements ranging from OCN

Your Mental Health Matters – Bullying

Your Mental Health Matters – Bullying

What is bullying? Bullying is when someone deliberately and persistently does or says things that are hurtful to another person. It can be carried out by individuals or groups and

“One Flew Over Lost Horizons”

On Tuesday 6th of September, a group of 14 clients from AMH New Horizons in Antrim came together with dare we say “trepidation” with Belfast based, Spanner in the Works

“Don’t Lose Your Marbles”

AMH New Horizons Foyle held a fun event in the Foyleside Shopping Centre to celebrate World Mental Health Day.  The theme was “Don’t lose your marbles” and various local sport