Corporate Partnerships

Now more than ever the mutual benefit of working together in partnership is vital for any business or charity as they look forward into a changing and competitive world.

Corporate fundraising can mean many things to a business, your business can be a small, medium or large organisation, we are happy to discuss what suits you and your staff.

Having a partnership with Action Mental Health will enable your company to connect with customers, gain a presence in the community and engage with new audiences both online and off, all the while helping to take action on mental health.

Promoting positive mental health within the workplace and within the wider community has never been so important.

We can help your company achieve its corporate social responsibility and marketing objectives whilst offering excellent fundraising, PR and team opportunities.

We are very proud to currently work alongside Henderson Group, Edgewater Contracts, Outsource, MTB Law, Factor, Gordons Chemists, CTS, Portman Health Care, Victoria Square, Halifax, KPMG, Telefonica Tech, Cranswick, Lough Erne Resort and Outsource.

What we can offer you:

  • A dedicated Account Manager and a passionate, creative and friendly support team, working closely with you to achieve your partnership goals.
  • A tailored fundraising plan to suit your business.
  • The chance to make a difference to mental health in Northern Ireland.
  • Exciting events, projects and campaigns to drive engagement amongst your team
  • Access to tailored, specialist mental health training for your staff and management, delivered by our social enterprise, AMH Works.
  • Exposure on our website and digital media platforms
  • Use of Action Mental Health’s branding within your business to demonstrate your commitment.

There are many ways to work together in partnership with Action Mental Health in your organisation.

Some ideas for ways you can get involved are:

  • Hold a ‘wear something purple’ or a dress down day in the office in exchange for a small donation.
  • Drum up some healthy competition and organise an office tournament such as football or basketball or get involved in a sponsored cycle.
  • Organise an office tea party, bake sale or a lunch – celebrate the team’s achievements over lunch/tea break. Ask for a suggested minimum donation of £5.00.

Ideas and outreach make a difference

  • Donate a percentage of sales on a certain product line.
  • Host our mental health literature and collection cans in your branches.
  • Take our key messages and put them on a certain product line.
  • Match funds raised via a staff member or team that have taken part in an event i.e. (Belfast City Marathon)

Shared knowledge benefits many

  • Share skills via a skills share mentoring or training programme.
  • Host one of our clients in your workplace, giving them the skills and confidence to return to work.
  • Volunteer at one of our centres to carry out key maintenance tasks, whilst enjoying a valuable team building session and gaining insight to the charity.

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is a flexible scheme which allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax free basis to Action Mental Health. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you’re a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p.

Find out more at the Giving Online website.

Donate to AMH

Make a secure, online donation to AMH or set up a fundraising page through Just Giving.

Make a Donation

Set up a Direct Debit

Set up a JustGiving Fundraising Page

Fundraising Events

For the latest fundraising news and events follow us on Facebook.