Keeping safe whilst cycling
- Make sure your bicycle is road worthy. You do not need the top of the range bicycle to undertake the challenge; a road worthy bicycle will suffice.
- Fuel your body correctly. Bananas are excellent they replace electrolytes and provide a great source of carbohydrate to supply energy to your muscles.
- Ensure your bicycle is set-up correctly for you. This will help greatly with neck or back soreness.
- Get the right safety equipment. Wear a helmet at all times, padded shorts and supportive gloves. All these measures will help to protect your body from harm.
- Stick to the designated cycle lanes.
- Bring a fully charged mobile phone and tell a family member or friend your route and likely time to arrive back home.
- If possible, cycle with a friend and be aware of your surroundings, remoteness and road quality.
- Be aware of the weather at all times and dress accordingly.
- Bring enough water and food to fuel your body for the distance you intend to cycle.
- Observe how you are gripping the handlebars. The grip should be firm yet relaxed. Change hand positions frequently. Remember to keep your wrist straight and try padded gloves or handlebar tape to reduce the vibration.
- Ensure you have lights on the front and back and you can be easily seen with high viz jackets or tabards if your planning on cycling is dusk or darkness.
Do remember that all cyclists undertake the Granite Challenge at their own risk.