Employment Options

AMH aims to source and support employment opportunities, training placements and further training for people engaging in AMH Services.

There are many options available to clients and employers including:

  • Work Based Training Placement (while completing accredited training)
  • Voluntary Work
  • Permitted Work (under 16 hours/week)
  • Open Employment
  • Further Training
  • Work Connect Programme
  • Workable (NI) Programme

Work Connect is a voluntary programme administered by the Disability Employment Service of the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), to facilitate the employment needs of people with disabilities and/or health conditions.

It has been designed to support individuals move from incapacity related benefits into lasting, paid employment through three clearly defined stages.

  1. Pre-Employment Support-during which all clients are offered a range of assistance to improve their employability and to assist them to find a job. This may last up to 26 weeks, (and with prior approval, it can be extended for another 13 weeks)
  2. Job Entry Support to assist the client prepare to move from economic inactivity to start employment
  3. Supporting Sustained Employment to assist clients who start work to maintain employment by providing support through their first 26 weeks in work.

Workable (NI) is also funded by the DEL Disability Employment Service.  It is a flexible programme which assists people in need of help to return to work or remain in their current job of at least 16 hours/week or more.

Support is tailored to the individual’s needs and may include; personal development planning, counseling services and relevant training to enhance employability. AMH works closely with the employee and employer over a two year period, providing support and training where appropriate.


AMH is one of seven partners within the SES- Supported Employment Solutions consortium.   SES is contracted to deliver the DEL Work Connect and Workable (NI) Programmes across N Ireland and has brought together disability organisations to provide specialist  employment supports to people with a range of disabilities and health conditions.  The SES partners include AMH (Lead Partner for the Northern & Southern Regions of NI) Cedar (Lead Partner in the Belfast Region), Mencap, Orchardville, NOW, RNIB and Action on Hearing Loss.

The consortium have their own dedicated website please follow this link.


For more information contact:

Heather Gillen

Workable(NI) Co-ordinator

T. 028 9448 8081

M. 07894 295 246

E [email protected]