Action Mental Health is one of the ChatPal Project Team Members working to develop and trial a chatbot to support and promote mental well-being in rural areas. We are working alongside Ulster University, Munster Technological University, Luleå University of Technology Sweden, National Health Service Western Isles, Norbotten Association of Local Authorities, Region Norrbotten and University of Eastern Finland.
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Find out more about the ChatPal trials
Can Chatbots Help Support a Person’s Mental Health?
AMH has been involved in a chatbot study with findings indicating that healthcare chatbots could potentially help clients better manage their own mental health, improve quality of mental healthcare of people, improve access and timeliness to mental healthcare, and assist mental healthcare workers in their daily occupational role of Technology.
Further information on this report –
Chatbots to Support Mental Wellbeing of People Living in Rural Areas: Can User Groups Contribute to Co-design?
Digital technologies such as chatbots can be used in the field of mental health. In particular, they can be used to support those living in sparsely populated areas who face problems such as, poor access to mental health services, lack of 24/7 support, barriers to engagement, lack of age appropriate support and reductions in health budgets. AMH have been engaged with this study with ChatPal project partners.
Further information on this report –
The project is funded by The Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 Programme which is part of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, also known as Interreg, in the framework of the cohesion policy, supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
The ChatPal project will develop and trial a chatbot to support and promote mental wellbeing in rural areas.
older and younger citizens in rural and sparsely populated NPA regions
5 NPA regions (Northern Ireland, Scotland, Finland, Sweden and Ireland)
To find out more