Men’s Shed Downpatrick

outdoor bbqMen’s Shed Downpatrick is open to men aged 60+. The men enjoy a wide variety of activities including joinery, gardening, art, crafts and computers. As we say in the shed “the most important tool is the kettle” so if you are thinking of joining the men’s shed, call round for a cuppa, you’ll not regret it.

We made a short film with the help of SERC media students as part of the film 300 project with Down Community Arts.

You’ll find more information about what we get up to in the shed by visiting our Facebook and Twitter pages on the links below.

Men’s Shed Downpatrick Facebook

Men’s Shed Downpatrick Twitter


Men’s Shed Downpatrick Opening Hours

Monday: 9.00am – 1.30pm

Tuesday: 9.00am – 3.30pm

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 9.00am – 1.30pm

Friday: 9.00am – 2.30pm


Shed Project Officer: Hazel Wilson

Men’s Shed Downpatrick
3 Ballydugan Industrial Estate
Ballydugan Road
BT30 6TE

T: 07885407094
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]



Download our Downpatrick Shedder Information Pack

Download our Men’s Shed Downpatrick Information Leaflet.






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