Gaining hope for myself and my future

Gaining hope for myself and my future

Having struggled with panic disorder and agoraphobia for the past four years and have completed a course in CBT in Lagan Valley Hospital, the next progressive step in my recovery

Charity Shield in aid of Action Mental Health

 Coleraine v Linfield, The Oval, Belfast, 5 August 2017, Kick-Off: 3pm Action Mental Health is delighted to be the nominated beneficiary for this year’s Charity Shield. The reigning Danske Bank

AMH New Horizons celebrate 25 years in Fermanagh

Clients and staff from AMH New Horizons Fermanagh were celebrating this week with a BBQ in the Serenity Garden at their base in Enniskillen. AMH New Horizons Fermanagh was established

Back by popular demand … the Granite Challenge

Now in its sixth year the 55 mile charity cycle is taking place on 8 October. The cycle starts in the cathedral town of Downpatrick, cycling via Tyrella towards Dundrum,

Fat Face sign up to take action on mental health

Action Mental Health is delighted to announce our charity partnership with Fat Face, Belfast. Fat Face have signed up to make a real difference to people living with mental ill-health

Gaining confidence and a job

Gaining confidence and a job

Since the death of my husband I found myself on my own and working full-time. I walked out of jobs and felt I had no control in my life –

Calling All Thrill Seekers….Zip Line for Action Mental Health

Take Action On Mental Health with a thrilling, adrenalin pumping Zip Line across The River Lagan, Belfast on Sunday 20th August 2017. Action Mental Health is calling all thrill seekers to

Celebrations at Newry New Horizons!

On 30 June clients, staff, family and friends celebrated the hard work and commitment of 99 service users at AMH New Horizons Newry & Mourne who achieved an outstanding 365 accredited awards.