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Tips on building Self Esteem for going back to school
This week, as part of the #CovidWellbeingNI partnership, the AMH MensSana team have put together some tips & advice for children & young people as they start a new school year.
Tips on building Self Esteem for going back to school
Ditch comparisons – We are all unique, your differences are to be celebrated. You are the only you and that is your super power. Be aware if you do find yourself comparing on social media and remember not to compare your 24/7 to a snippet that you see online. It can be helpful to do a social media clear out of any accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, and take regular breaks away from screen time.
Create a Gratitude Jar – Fill a jar with 1 thing each day you are grateful for. On hard days it can be helpful to open the jar to remind yourself of things you are thankful for.
Give yourself a daily compliment – We often find it easier to use kind words on other people, but if they feel good for our friends and loved ones then we can benefit from them too. Give yourself a compliment based on your strengths. “Today I was brave speaking up in class, Today I was kind when I included someone sitting on their own at lunch.”
Focus on effort – It’s not always about the end result. Try to reframe mistakes and challenges as lessons and opportunities to learn and try again. Every day’s a school day!
Connect with supportive people – Spend time with people who treat you the way you want to be treated. Build friendships based on showing kindness to one another.
The Covid Wellbeing Hub is packed full of useful resources and sources of support. You can visit the hub by clicking here:
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