On World Mental Health Day, Mayor of Ards, Councillor Mervyn Oswald, officially opened a new exhibition in Ards Arts Centre, entitled New Beginnings, which was created by clients of AMH New Horizons North Down & Ards. Mr Oswald and other councillors attended the evnt and met many of the AMH artists.
AMH provides a range of vocational training, personnel development and employment preparation programmes. Clients have many opportunities to explore their creative talents through a number of classes including painting & drawing, digital imaging, silk painting and Tiffany glass. In this exhibition New Horizon clients are showcasing their talents in a special mixed media exhibition, looking at self-exploration and progression through various mediums to foster a positive self image.
New Beginnings will be exhibiting in the Sunburst Gallery at Ards Arts Centre, Conway Square, Newtownards until 28th October 2011. Everyone welcome.