My Belfast Marathon Adventure

John Davis – Training & HR Officer in AMH – tells us about running in his first ever Marathon – The Belfast City Marathon 2011. What a fantastic experience, the atmosphere

Tricia Browne AMH & Ron Meyer Qualitrol

Qualitrol raise funds for AMH

Ron Meyer, President of Qualitrol presents Tricia Browne, PR Manager AMH with a cheque for £1822.36. 4 relay teams from Qualitrol ran in this year’s Belfast City Marathon to raise

Let’s go to the Movies!

 The Eclipse Cinema in Downpatrick will be showing a double bill of locally made films on Monday 6th June 2011 at 7.30pm.  One of the movies “Downpatrick, Life in the

Young People and Mental Health

When most people think about “health” they conjure up images that are related to physical health.  Physical health is anything that has to do with our bodies; it has been

AMH MensSana offer tips to avoid exam stress!

AMH MensSana offer tips to avoid exam stress!

MOPE, HOPE or COPE? How Do You Cope With The Pressure of Exams? With the exam season fast approaching, AMH MensSana is offering young people and families support and tips

Well Done to all our Marathon Runners!

Thirty five runners took part in the Belfast City Marathon on Monday to raise money for AMH.  We had 2 AMH relay teams, Team A (7299) – Bernie Best, Ingrid Gallen,

You can donate to AMH via JustGiving

Lots of our supporters are running the Belfast City Marathon on Monday 2nd May 2011 and raising lots of money for us!  We have a number of runners who are

Arlene Foster MLA visits Fermanagh

AMH New Horizons in Fermanagh welcomed Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment to their unit in Drumcoo yesterday.   Arlene is also running for re-election in Fermanagh and South