AMH toasts NI’s generosity as the 2019 Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon fund continues to rise!

The generosity of the people of Northern Ireland has tipped the funds raised for Action Mental Health through the 2019 Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon to over £60,000. Participants’ sponsorship

Patricia felt like an empty shell but thanks to New Horizons she is soaring high helping others

My name is Patricia and I am fifty eight years old. I am married with three grown up sons whom I adore and have such a rewarding relationships with all

A lost individual no more

As we bid farewell to one of our clients, David James, he reflects on his time with Action Mental Health. April 26, 2016, morning: an individual who was confident, self-assured,

AMH’s ambassador Alex joins Belfast City Half Marathon Challenge 13.1 to raise vital funds

One of Action Mental Health’s fundraising team is joining Belfast City Marathon’s latest band of novice marathon runners to run and raise money at the same time through the Deep

AMH staff helped Mick fight stigma and showed he was able to work through Workable (NI)

A Dublin man who turned to an Action Mental Health service dedicated to supporting individuals in their place of work has paid tribute to the ‘life saving’ care he received.

Deborah reaps rewards for her unstinting efforts in her field

A project worker with AMH everyBODY has clinched this year’s coveted ICE Award for the unstinting enthusiasm and sheer hard work she brings to her role every single day. Deborah

On The Road to Recovery

I’m 30 years old and for 25 of those years I have been challenged over and over with the heaviest, deepest and darkest of experiences. I’ve felt lonely, weak, worthless,

Take Off! for the High Flyers’ Theatre Company

This year’s the drama group from AMH New Horizons Downpatrick , worked tremendously hard to put on a holiday themed show entitled ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ as part of a